Q1. Who develop python programming language?

Ans: Guido van rossum was developed python programming language in 1990s.

Q2. Python programming language got its name from which show.

Ans: python programming language was named after a watching a British TV show namely "Monty python's flying circus".

Q3. Python is a free and open source language. what do you understand by this features.

Ans: It means to download python, no needs to pay anything, because it is free. and its source-code is also available, which can be modified/improved etc., because it is open-source.

Q4. what does a cross platform language mean?

Ans: A cross platform language mean it  can run well on variety of platform  such as Window, Linux/Unix, Macintosh etc.


Q5. what is the difference between interactive mode and script mode in python?

Ans. In interactive mode, instruction are given in front of python prompt (e.g.,>>>  or in[]: prompts) in python shell. python carries out the given instruction and shows the result there it self.

    In script mode, python  instructions are sorted in a file generally with .py extension and are executed together in one go as a unit. The saved instructions are known as python script or python program.


Q6. What are the advantages of python programming language?

Ans: Advantages are:-

  • Easy to use: Python is compact and very easy to use with very simple syntax rule.
  • Expressive language: Python's expressiveness means it is more capable to expressing the code's purpose than many other languages.
  • Interpreted language: python is an interpreted language, not a compiled language. This means that the python installation interpreted and executes the  code  line by line at a time.

Q7. What are the some limitations of python programming language?

Ans: Some limitations are:- 
  • Python programming language is not so fastest language.
  • It has lesser libraries than  other programming language like C, JAVA etc.
  • Not strong on type-binding-python interpreter is not very strong on catching"type-mismatch" issues.

Q8. In how many different ways, can you work in python?

Ans: We can work in python in two ways:-
  • Script mode. 
  • Interactive mode.          

Q9. What is comments? Write different type of comments available in python.

Ans: Comments: Comments are the additional information gives in the program to clearly the source code. 
Different types of comments that are available in python are:
Single line comments. it si denoted by #
and, Multi line  comments. It is denoted by "'.
Q10. Difference between mutable and immutable.

Ans. Mutable
  • Mutability means that in same memory address new value can be stored us when you want.
  • It is unchangeable.
  • eg: list, dictionaries, sets
  • Immutable data type are those which can never change their address.
  • It is changeable.
  • eg: String, tupples.

Q11. What will be the output of following code.

       #this is a sample program
       # to output simple statement 
       #print("such as")
        print ("Always take every chance.")
        print("Drop your every fear.")  


Always take every chance.
Drop your every fear.