Object Oriented Programming Language   (OOPL)

Object-oriented programming or OOP is a  methodology or a paradigm to design a program using classes and objects utilising features of OOPs such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

 Features of  (OOPL)

The main motivating factor of object oriented paradigm is to remove those problems arouse in procedural oriented programming. There are four pillars of object oriented programing:

i.  Encapsulation:

It is the property of wrapping data and member functions in a single entity. This property is achieved by class and prevents from        outside interference. Encapsulation helps us to achieve data abstraction.

ii. Abstraction:

It is an extended form of encapsulation. Abstraction means hiding of data and information. Only the necessary features of an entity         are shown to the outside world and the irrelevant informations are hidden.  For example, to get any information, we just need to enter the domain     name in the search bar of a browser, say google chrome, without concerning of how google serves those informations to us. 

iii. Inheritance:

It is the property of creating a new class from an existing class. It allows the new class to acquire the properties of the existing class.        Hence, it provides code reusability. Once written, we can reuse the codes again and again just by defining it only once. For example, a child                   inherits properties from parent.

iv. Polymorphism:

As the name suggests, polymorphism means which has many forms i.e. an entity can behave differently in different situations.  For  example, a girl is a student at school, and at home, she is a daughter.

Objects and Classes in C++

Classes: A class is a user-defined data type which consists of data members and member functions. 

               Data members are the variables used in a program and member functions are the functions through which the variables get accessed.

Objects: An object is an instance of a class. It is also called as runtime entity. It contains all the properties of a class. 


class C      //class 'C'


  //data members

  //member functions


C obj;       //object 'obj' of class C

Input and output statement:

In C++, the input and output tasks are carried out by 2 identifiers.

i. cout<< :- 

The cout identifier along with << (insertion operator) is used to display message on the standard output device (screen).

Example:    cout<<"Smash";

ii. cin>> :- 

The cin identifier along with >> ( extraction operator) is used to take input from standard input device (keyboard).

Example:    cin>>x;


Comments (//) are non-executable statements of a program. Single line comment starts with \\. Multiline comments start with /* and end with */.

using namespace std: Namespace, a feature in C++ (not in C), is a limited region which provides scope to the identifiers ( functions, variables etc). std is the standard namespace in C++. It differentiate similar names.

Structure of a C++ program

The basic structure of a C++ program contains four sections.

i. Include section: 

It links all the library files required in a program. It contains pre-processor directories and the header file required to run the    program.

Example: #include<iostream.h>

Here, the input/output stream is included which contains the definition of i/o built-in functions and objects like cout, cin.

ii. Class declaration:

 This section defines the class. A class is an user defined data type which consists of two parts.

    - Data Member

    - Member Function

Example:      class employee


                          int id;    //data member


                            //member function

                            void getdata();

                            void putdata(); 

iii. Member Function Definition: 

It includes descriptive statements which explain the performance of function. It also explain the sequence in which       the program gets executed.

iv. Main Function: It is the compulsory section of any program. There is only one main function in each program because the execution of any  program begins from main. It has int return type by default.


     int main()      //main function


                          student s;




Data Type in C++

Datatype: It is description of the type of variable we use in a program to restrict its usage.  

Data types are of three types:

i. Primitive (basic) datatype:  These are built-in or pre-defined types.These are building blocks of a program. They are directly used to declare    variables. Example int, char, float, double etc.

ii. Derived Data Types: These are derived from the built-in datatypes. Example array, pointer etc.

iii. Abstract (user-defined) Data Types: These are defined by user itself. Example class, structure etc.

Operators in C++

Operators are used for performing operations on operands (variables and values). C++ supports many built-in operators. It includes:

i. Arithmetic Operators:   +, -, *, /, %

ii. Relational Operators:  >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=

iii. Logical Operators:  &&, ||, !

iv. Increament & Decreament Operators:  ++, --

iv. Assignment Operators:  =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=

v. Bitwise Operators:  &, ^, |, ~, >>, <<

vi. Conditional Operators:  ?:

vii. Special Operators: sizeof(), new, delete

Examples in C++

Q 1. Write a program to display "Hello World!" on the screen.



using namespace std;

int main()


  cout<<"Hello World!";

  return 0;



Q 2. Write a program to add two numbers.



using namespace std;

int main()


  int a, b, s;

  cout<<"Enter any two numbers: ";


  s= a+b;

  cout<<"Sum: "<<s;

  return 0;



Q 3. Write a program to enter length and breadth and calculate area and display it.



using namespace std;

int main()


  int l, ba;

  cout<<"Enter the length: "<<endl;


  cout<<"Enter the breadth: "<<endl;


  a= l*b;

 cout<<"Area: "<<a;

  return 0;


Try it Yourself »

Benefits of OOP:

i. It provides code reusability and extend an existing class through inheritance.

ii. Codes can be easily modified hence, it saves time to maintain codes.

iii. A secured program can be built through abstraction as it provides the feature of data hiding.

iv. It is easy troubleshooting through encapsulation. There is no possibility of code duplicity. 

v. It provides flexibility through polymorphism. A single function can shift to another class with new or required properties.

vi. Objects are self-contained hence, perform its own function leaving the other bits alone.

vii. It allows us to solve a problem easily by breaking it as one object at a time.